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Saraswati is known as the Goddess of intelligence, inspiration, intuition and insight. She is the patron deity of Saraswati-Studies, an online school which aspires to provide in-depth courses on Yoga and Tantra. At Saraswati-Studies, we celebrate the knowledge that liberates through a combination of rigorous academic work and embodied practices, meant to awaken discernment along with devotion!

Our best deal

For the first time ever, we now offer a membership where you get access to all international courses (the ones available in English) in exchange for a yearly payment.

If you are longing for continuous and unhurried studies of Yoga and Tantra, this one is for you!

Discover the History, Philosophy and Mythology of Yoga, along with the beautiful teachings of Classical Tantra and the mindblowing tradition of the Dasa Mahavidyas.

The membership allows you to enjoy all the courses at an affordable price, in fact, members save $450 compared to other students!

The History, Philosophy and Mythology of Yoga

This is a ground-breaking theoretical education that strives to unite academic knowledge and embodied wisdom; to join a critical mind with a devotional heart. It is aimed at yoga teachers or curious practitioners who want to deepen their understanding of the yogic tradition (or more correctly; traditions) and know more (a lot more) about the philosophical systems and the mythological stories they contain.

The course will offer an overview of the history of yoga and why it is far more complex than it is often portrayed. As a student, you will learn to see the differences and similarities between the various philosophical schools that are often carelessly referenced to in the contemporary yoga world and understand how they relate to the texts frequently studied in teacher trainings, e.g. Patañjali's Yoga Sūtra.

You will also get to study texts that you may not be familiar with but which are guaranteed to influence how you practice yoga. Not to mention all the wonderful, wisdom-filled myths!

Kashmir Shaivism: the Heart of Classical Tantra

Though tantra in contemporary discourse is often associated with sacred sexuality or black magic, the tantric traditions are far from homogeneous and contain not only practices but also sophisticated philosophy. The traditions and texts of Kashmir have received a lot of attention from scholars and practitioners alike in the last decades, because of their exquisite and intellectually challenging formulations of philosophical ideas, as well as their devotional qualities.

Somehow, though written around 1000 CE, they seem to speak to the modern reader, offering a worldview that is both artistic and scientific; that bridges the body-mind gap through the statement that consciousness (referred to as Shiva) and energy/creative capacity (referred to as Shakti) never really separate. That consciousness becomes form, through it´s own free will (svatantrya).

Of course, the statement "All One" is easy to utter but not quite as simple to embody. That is why the writers of the texts, as all good teachers, offer us so many ways to reflect upon and practice with these teachings. And that is also why the course doesn't only include philosophical studies and discussion, but also storytelling (mythology), meditation and chanting.

Dasa Mahavidya: the Ten Tantric Wisdom Goddesses

Dasa Maha Vidya means "Ten Great Wisdoms", depicted in classical tantric tradition as a group of, to say the least, macabre goddesses. Some of them, such as Kali and Tara, are quite well known, others, like Bagalamukhi and Matangi, are more obscured. But they all represent both stages of cosmic evolution and human spiritual development. Therefore, they can be called wisdom plateaus, cosmic forces as well as the faces of kundalini. For those interested in understanding nondual tantric philosophy, cosmology and the more esoteric aspects of the Shakta (goddess) tradition, this course offers an opportunity you don't want to miss! Through it you get access to:

* More than 12 hours of recorded video lectures (also available as audio recordings)

* Lifetime access to the recordings

* Philosophical teachings

* Initiated mantras

* Meditation practices

* Suggestions for sadhana

* Unique written material on Classical Tantra

* Unique written material on each individual Mahavidya/ Wisdom Goddess

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